pretty much good-for-nothing

…today, anyway. John and I stayed up very, very late (and I feel very, very old every time I talk about how anytime after 11pm is “very, very late;” in this case, it was after midnight), due to the American Presidential debate. John + politics + homemade wine (that we didn’t make) + me + chocolate chip coconut bars = a very late night of mayhem.

last night, after we finally made it upstairs to bed, I dreamt that I was dodging bombs, testifying against terrorists, and running late for work, all at once. I woke up absolutely exhausted – those seven hours I was getting that much-needed sleep? I was busy!

2 Responses to “pretty much good-for-nothing”

  1. 1 kimtori October 10, 2008 at 5:15 am

    I was following/lurking your old blog and am so pleased to see you back! Were those chocolate chip coconut bars gluten free? They sound good.

  2. 2 lemoineau October 11, 2008 at 11:26 pm

    Hello! Thanks so much!

    The chocolate chip coconut bars were gluten free! :)

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