Posts Tagged 'obama'


At noon today, I was part of a group. It was a group of about 60 others, people who would walk into our office and then pause at the sight of our tv, any thought of urgency or errand completely dismissed, standing and watching the inauguration unfold. We stood silently, occasional goosebumps sweeping over us, weighted with the knowledge that today we were, are, a part of history. When Justice Roberts pronounced Barack Obama president, the entire room burst into applause, and more than a few people wiped away tears (including me – I can’t help it, I’m an emotional beast). It was incredibly touching and incredibly human, and I felt so connected – not only to those in the room with me, but to people around the globe. Even now, hours later, I get chills when I see footage of people in Kenya celebrating.

God bless President Obama!

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